NEW INTRODUCTIONS OF VERONICA SPICATA X LONGIFOLIA HYBRIDS Veronica hybrid Plumosa Series The entire series is protected by breeder rights in Europe and the USA Asexual propagation is strictly prohibited Veronica, commonly known as Speedwell or bird’s-eye, is...
Cross of Veronica spicata x Veronica longifolia x Veronica Blue Bomb® Asexual propagation is strictly prohibited Veronica, commonly known as Speedwell or bird’s-eye, is recommended as a reliable garden plant, prized by gardeners, nice-looking and attracting attention...
Veronica spicata x longifolia hybrid ABUNDANCE® Asexual propagation is strictly prohibited Veronica, commonly known as Speedwell or bird’s-eye, is recommended as a reliable garden plant, prized by gardeners, nice-looking and attracting attention for their elegancy. ...
Thalictrum Aquilegifolium ‘Black Stockings’®, a new Terra Nova® Nurseries introduction. Common name: Meadow Rue Asexsual propagation is strictly prohibited. There are a few perennial plants that stand out from the crowd. Thalictrum is a perfect example. It’s a plant...
RODGERSIA ‘BRONZE PEACOCK’® An introduction of Terra Nova® Nurseries, Inc. USA Asexual propagation is strictly prohibited Common name: Rodgersia-Feather-leaf or Rodger’s Flower Rodgersia is named after the famous admiral of the United States Navy, John Rodgers, who...